Geographical Indications eLearning for India

This e-learning course can be marketed as a tool to:
  • aid sustainable socio-economic development;
  • strengthen the global system;
  • create a GI-friendly environment enabling productive EU trade negotiations;
  • help find common ground between states likely to support this system.
This GI e-learning course is a valuable asset for the general public given its potential as a tool for further education and GI commercialisation:
  • It is aimed at GI stakeholders with the idea they set up a functional GI collective dimension, in order to succeed in accessing the GI market and integrating producers’ into the global trade system;
  • It develops a marketing strategy that can be used by GI producer groups and communities to create an identity of which they can be proud and protected;
  • It educates the public at large on:
    • means and methods to enhance local development and export potential by acknowledging the importance of respecting and developing IPRs;
    • the wide spectrum of IP, as the course covers GI interaction with other IPRs;
  • It provides a comprehensive level available with free access;
  • It encourages users to understand and navigate to exploit their product.